Welcome to Birddogging.info!

Welcome to Birddogging.info! I hope to share research success stories as well as the challenging situations we all face each day. Please share your successes and challenges here as well! I am a big believer in the group brain. Different from “group think,” the group brain works to find solutions to the problems we all face each day. It is a lively dialog with different ideas and approaches offered up for discussion.

Here are my first two offerings for consideration.

http://cooldata.wordpress.com/ —a great resource for Data Modelling.

Is your shop looking into data modeling tools such as SPSS or Data Desk? Have you used Excel to work on data analysis? Share your thoughts about your experiences. My next post will share some of mine with my first attempts using Excel.

pipl.com —a free resource for finding public records

I’ve been using pipl.com for a few months now and am amazed at what it is able to deliver for free. This is really more of a Tip than anything else. Let me know your experience of this resource.
